Actually I’m not kidding about the following statement…
In my dreams I want to grab them, shake them up, slap them silly and knock some sense into them.
We’ve been at this for close to 15 years and the most frustrating thing about the mission we’ve been called to is that most people just won’t do what they need to do.
Even though they LOVE to talk a good story.
But I’m a nice guy so I don’t do that stuff.
For years my nice guy persona has dominated my interaction with everyone.
You confess that you screwed up and ate at McDonalds 12 times last week?
Because of that you put all of the weight you lost back on and your blood sugar is now through the roof.
In the past I might have said…
That’s ok, just forgive yourself and start over.
You can imagine how I would have perfered to handle that situation.
So that is why we have recently started the 5% club.
I’m not including Peggy here as these are my thoughts
But she’s probably on board…
Sort of.
But she’s even way nicer than me.
Way, way nicer.
So most likely would tell me not to post this
In my experience only about 5% of the people we work with will actually do what it takes.
I want to put my efforts into those people who are ready to make positive changes.
And more importantly, commit to actually doin’ it.
I’ll still continue to help everyone I can. Because I know even small changes can make a huge difference for someone.
But my real attention will be focused for those ready to make it happen.
If you choose to be one of the 5%
There is a good chance that sometimes you won’t like me very much
But if you REALLY want to change you will appreciate the feedback.
I remember when I was taking my Master Trainer Final Certification.
Steve asked how a certain small muscle functioned and why I chose the stretch I was performing.
I made some smart assed comment about that knowledge being worthless.
I obviously was doing exactly what the client needed so what did it matter?
Oops, some tough love came my way.
He said, This is Level 5, You are applying to be a Certified Master Trainer, so let’s try that again.
He was right.
I did need to take it seriously and really know my stuff.
So I was totally embarassed. I sucked it up, explained the action of the muscle as best I could and decided..
I would dedicate myself to constantly improve my skillset from that day forward.
So when I tell you that you blew it and need to rethink what you did (or in some cases didn’t do)
Don’t get upset.
Stop, listen and make the changes necessary.
Your health is too important.
To play silly games.
And keep kidding yourself.
Hopefully that makes sense to you.
The rewards of living that long, fit, healthy and happy life.
Are well worth the temoprary discomfort.
I don’t want you to self flagellate
I point out mistakes
Just like I do for myself.
Last weekend I had an eating binge you most likely read about.
I gave myself grace just like I’ll give you when you screw up.
But I also had a very serious discussion with myself
Reminding me that it was a terrible mistake that I don’t want to repeat.
My health at 71 years old is just too damn important.
With that my wish for you is that starting today…
This hour
This minute
This second
Is that you
You choose to
Embark on your path
To Moving Well
Staying Healthy
And Being Happy.
Right now.
Talk soon,
Thank you for believing in our abilities to reach our health goals to that degree. You care. That's true support.